
Process-based assessment of multiple documents comprehension

(Multiple Documents Literacy)

In the project MultiTex, a computer-based instrument to assess the competence of text comprehension with multiple documents (multiple documents literacy, MDL) of university students is developed and validated. A special methodological focus lies in the usage of additional process-based diagnostics. Accordingly, in this project process-based measures are used, first, as additional diagnostic information; second, in order to identify strategies of processing multiple documents; and third, to test theories of multiple text comprehension.

The aims of the present project can be characterized as follows:

  • Development of a theoretically sound computer-based test of multiple documents literacy (MDL)
  • Analysis of processes of multiple text comprehension for advanced diagnostics
  • Construct validation of the MDL text with two cohorts of university students of two subject groups at two locations
  • Empirical test of assumptions of theories of multiple documents comprehension

Description of the project



Principle Investigators

Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt

University of Bamberg

Dr. Cornelia Schoor

University of Bamberg

Dr. Kathrin Lockl

Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories Bamberg

Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Roßbach

Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories Bamberg

Dr. Ulf Kröhne

DIPF Frankfurt a.M.

Prof. Dr. Frank Goldhammer

DIPF Frankfurt a.M.

Junior Researcher

Nina Mahlow, M. Sc.

Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories Bamberg

Dr. Carolin Hahnel, M. Sc.

DIPF Frankfurt a.M.

Jorge Klagges

DIPF Frankfurt a.M.